By any standard, the “Sun” newspaper in Britain is a bit of a rag. This is the newspaper that thinks that a topless woman on page 3 is culture. This is the newspaper that thinks that it’s OK to call the Germans a “bunch of racist Nazis” even though the war has been over for 63 years. This is the newspaper that thinks that serious journalism amounts to who’s sleeping with who. If you asked a Sun reporter who Obama was, he’d think it was a trendy new drug and he’d get his needle out.
So I can’t say I’m surprised by their latest screw-up. One of their other faults is that the Sun is prejudiced towards minorities and when this great picture of “daring-do” Prince William became available, the Rag must have decided that the black guy at the back was in the way so they decided in their infinite wisdom to Photoshop him out. But being the knuckleheads that they are, they left his knee in!
The Metro newspaper in Britain has the original photo for comparison purposes and below is the Sun photo which is in the newspaper today. The online version of the Sun story however has the proper photo.
I think the Photoshop guy at the Sun is probably looking for a new job today.
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So I can’t say I’m surprised by their latest screw-up. One of their other faults is that the Sun is prejudiced towards minorities and when this great picture of “daring-do” Prince William became available, the Rag must have decided that the black guy at the back was in the way so they decided in their infinite wisdom to Photoshop him out. But being the knuckleheads that they are, they left his knee in!
The Metro newspaper in Britain has the original photo for comparison purposes and below is the Sun photo which is in the newspaper today. The online version of the Sun story however has the proper photo.
I think the Photoshop guy at the Sun is probably looking for a new job today.

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